Your donation to The Epoch Public Foundation can change the world.

Here at The Epoch Public Foundation, we’re engaged in a battle for a Free Press. We need you to be part of this Great Mission. When you donate, you’re supporting real news – and joining us in the fight against fake news.

Honest, traditional journalism is fading in America.

A republic such as ours cannot survive without a free press. And yet, 90 percent of America’s news outlets are controlled by just six gigantic corporations. Their reporting is strikingly similar and often appears based on the same political agenda.


Knowledge is power. Truth is vital. The Epoch Public Foundation is indispensable.

Your donation is crucial in the fight against the dishonesty of the Legacy Media and the tyranny of Big Tech. We promise to stretch every dollar you give to fight even harder for truth and honest journalism.


The Epoch Public Foundation is controlled by no corporation or government.

Your donation supports a true independent voice that speaks truth to power and challenges the Legacy Media’s dominance. Donate now and be a part of this Great Mission.